Sunday, April 28, 2013

Just Three Things Follow-up/ Secondary Matters

As for my last post, I am still with it.
It has been easier to wake up. I just put on a light timer for the morning.
I have had sugar. It has really been affecting me. But I can get better with that one.

We'll keep going with those.

Now, the question becomes, what are the secondary things I can do to improve my life?
I know the primary, but there is so much long-term or supporting things to be done.
1. Challenge yourself.
2. Go back to the list.
3. Clean it out.

Okay, I don't have many ideas for secondary things; these are more like habits.
Here are more.

1. Throw/Donate things.
2. Make Lists.
3. Clean.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Just Three Things

There are three things that, if can be done right, help most everything else to fall into place.

1. Wake up early.
2. No sugar.
3. Follow-through.

Okay, I have been trying one for a while.
Two can be easy when I get that off the ground.
Three is the most ambiguous.

I should try this and report in very soon.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Promises I Make To Myself

Promises I Make To Myself

I will get a reasonable amount of sleep by going to be earlier.
I will go to bed with a clean kitchen.
I will go to bed with a clean desk.
I will go to bed with a prepped backpack and clothes.
I will floss everyday.

Monday, July 23, 2012

If You Can Face It...

There is a great quote that goes something like this...

"If you can face it, G*d can fix it."

I don't think much is every as bad as people think if they can prepare themselves and trust themselves. So much of our pain is self-inflicted.

If we can just think of what is actually important and plan for that then we our setting ourselves up right. What needs to be done is to see what that next step is.

There was a great article I read that talk about what good executives do.

They are in-control when things seem out-of-control. 
They finish what they start.
They always look for the new when buried in the same.
They look to improve their weakness rather than always showing off strength.
They show enthusiasm when somebody should be apathetic. 

So lets plan this out.

Just stay calm and carry on (as they say).
Make less, but finish. So I will only have one book at a time and fewer things going.
I need to think about what new things I want to adventure news sites, new journals to read, new books, new what?
Let's put my weakness up front so they get exercised.
More enthusiasm means just plain more.

So here is what I think I will do.
I will expand the news sites I will visit but not nessecarily read more. Reading the news many news stories is a waste of time. I will spend free time and other time with long form notes or note cards.
Read one book at a time and done carefully.
I will write out the things I think can be done. I have a list of what I think is important and a longer list of things of things that are less so.
A big weakness is execution. I believe I have the time, I just need to face the lists turn them into something important and useful. Make things practical.
Stay in motion.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Today Like No Other

It usually takes big events to change somebody. I've been through a few and I think they have changed me by push. Today is another, by hopefully it will be by pull.

Let's make the best out of my life today. Let's start down this long road today.

I think it is time I start looking towards long term goals for things that deserve looking at. I am not sure of the method, just start and learn how.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Good and Why That's Bad

In trying to understand myself, it would be favorable to look at some of my least desirable or objectionable traits or habits as it stems from a past event or time. Although conversely I should look at how bad times and good times have affected me today. Good times may have affected me positively or negatively.
I look back at middle school only with fondness. It was a time of high achievement in my life and the last time that happened.
I use to procrastinated in middle school where I stayed up late finishing work. It was great because it always worked out. That is not the case now and I need to acknowledge it and work on immediate task completion and incremental studying.
I have always found comfort and distraction in TV and movies. I think that it will actually lead to greater understanding of myself or some inspiration yet it never does. I watch the same things over and over again. There might be some comfort in repetition and some hypnosis in the familiar.
So the question is how have the good times and the bad times affected me.
The bad times, like college, have made me fear the pain. I don't open emails or test for fear of seeing the grade.
The good times have made me open to procrastination. They play on each other.
When I think about who I want to be it is a person who is deliberate, well-planned, focused person the bad times deters me from believing something is possible or pain-less and the good times makes me think it is okay to procrastinate and their is happiness or value in that.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Face The Pain

Confronting pain is difficult. I would say right now it is my biggest obstacle. It is the reason I don't strive like I use to and it is the reason I put off things. I don't look at papers or tests to avoid the pain of seeing my grades. I don't shoot high or dream big anymore. I put off important tasks because I know down the road it could be difficult or feel rejecting.

This is really no way to live. Fear of what could go wrong will only ensure such things. There is a reality that you write everyday.

There might be some pain, but it can't be that bad. There is much worst and this can't be anywhere near to it.

Getting things done now is a hallmark of a productive, mature person.

Everyday, I want a few adjectives to stick in my mind: Intentional, curious, productive, and persistent.