Monday, September 29, 2008

Follow-up 092808

Here is my 30-Day Challenge

1. Drink no Coke, soda, mocha or unhealthy drink.
2. Act like I am addicted to exercising and studying
3. Clean and organize for one hour a day.
4. Spend one hour a day cleaning.
5. Spend half-an-hour cleaning computer.
6. Spend one hour every day preparing for GRE.
7. Watch no television.

I started on 092108 and today is 092908. Here's my progress.

I have not had Coke for the seven day period. That has been hard. Water does not taste better with time. I have not had other sodas or many sugar based drinks but I have been trying new items at Starbucks. Two sugary drinks that I have had I actually drank half and I justify buying that because I was trying something new, I am going to stick with water, sparkling water, tea and coffee that I will make at work to save money. It is just as good anyway.

I have not studied like I have planned but then again I didn't plan to do it that much. I always say that I will but there is never much of a plan except "Have At It!" I'm going to focus on planning my day more.

I have done a significant amount of cleaning recently and have spent more time then I would have liked but my room sure looks good. I will continue to clean regularly.

I gave back my GRE book to start new with all my library books. I will get the book tomorrow.

I have been pretty good about cutting my television time. I still make exceptions for Sunday night and Intervention. I will cut that down to certain shows Sunday night and Intervention. My real problem is shows I have on my computer and Netflix. I will allow Netflix but not the shows on mu computer anymore.

So here's a wrap up.

Tomorrow I will make coffee at work then grab the GRE book.
I will probably want to watch my Netflix.
I should listen to one new piece of music.
I must study and read.
I need to do some of my errands.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Game Day 092208

Here is my 30-Day Challenge

1. Drink no Coke, soda, mocha or unhealthy drink.
2. Act like I am addicted to exercising and studying
3. Clean and organize for one hour a day.
4. Spend one hour a day cleaning.
5. Spend half-an-hour cleaning computer.
6. Spend one hour every day preparing for GRE.
7. Watch no television.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Gut Check 091908

Turn the mirror around, lets see what I can do.

I'm going to actually go the the hospital this week and find a volunteer and ask them how I can join.

Maybe I should join up with the Youth Center again.  I just found something for the community clinic.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

For the Week of 091608

Let me focus in for this week only.

Tomorrow is class so I won't expect much to get done. I hope that I can read a little news and study a little psychology.
My class on Thursday was canceled so I will spend a portion devoted to all my classes.
Friday I should plan on going to the gym.

If I were to think about short term goals it would be to:
Read my book "Good Calories, Bad Calories."
Start writing a blog about the science news I read about.
Obviously study.

Thinking broader:
Study the new flute book I bought.
Study anatomy
Find a volunteer opportunity.

Remember, work insane or your enemies win.