Monday, November 29, 2010

Face The Pain

Confronting pain is difficult. I would say right now it is my biggest obstacle. It is the reason I don't strive like I use to and it is the reason I put off things. I don't look at papers or tests to avoid the pain of seeing my grades. I don't shoot high or dream big anymore. I put off important tasks because I know down the road it could be difficult or feel rejecting.

This is really no way to live. Fear of what could go wrong will only ensure such things. There is a reality that you write everyday.

There might be some pain, but it can't be that bad. There is much worst and this can't be anywhere near to it.

Getting things done now is a hallmark of a productive, mature person.

Everyday, I want a few adjectives to stick in my mind: Intentional, curious, productive, and persistent.

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 17, 2010 Plan

Here is one plan for one day.

I want to be up before the sun at 5:00am.
I will make my own coffee.
I will read for an hour.
I will practice my Spanish in a manner that will help to learn the material,
not just to make it look like I did work.
I will clean for only 30 minutes but will do it efficiently.
I will post on my other website.
I will make a notebook page - which will consist of pertinent news.
I will listen to a new album and watch no TV.
I will prepare for tomorrow.

I will stick with this plan.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

My More Detailed Plan

I wanted to think more about how I was going to approach the topic in questions.

I am studying the biochemistry of the Glycolysis. I'm going to read 100 pieces about glycolysis and write up a report of my findings. Then I can approach the textbook and understand it better.

I'm going to start calculus. One Chapter at a time, all the problems.

I'm sticking to one book at a time and right now it is The Road by Cormic McCarthy.

I believe three is a good number to for my primary concerns.

As for secondary concerns I will get my finances in order, practice spanish, get my school plans ready, read up more on cars and keep a log.

Friday, April 30, 2010

April 30, 2010

It's been five months since my last post and about a year since the one before that one. It is time to recap and look ahead.

It is nice to keep a record of my thoughts. I am looking back on my thoughts and plans with retrospection.

First, and most importantly, I have been accepted to graduate school. That was the main objective. Studying for it will be the difficult part.

I am taking Spanish lessons and they are going well.

I have not had Coke for the past four months. I am going to cut out most sugar.

I am still without an overarching plan. I still don't know how I should study or organize my efforts.

Here is the current plan. Start with the most important subjects and do as much as I can with that. Once that is done move onto the next. This way I can finish the most important things first.

Miscellaneous Topic

Then reading time can be spent on periodicals.
An entire magazine at a time on:

Miscellaneous Topics