Monday, December 29, 2008

In Character - Forgiveness

There is a great website I just found called In Character that is a quarterly publication all about character. This quarter is Forgiveness and I just read an article with nine different point of views. All are somewhat similar; they require or advise forgiveness as long as the perpetrator has met certain requirements of admitting wrongdoing and has apoligized.
Rabbi Boteach, a radio and television personality, urges hatred against the wrongdoers. It is complicity to evil which is evil. It allows dictators like Pol Pot and Adi Amin to die peacefully in their sleep. We must turn the other cheek at slights to our honor, but to mass murder there is no other course but hatred of them.
Marietta Jaeger Lane had her daughter brutally tortured and murdered. She asked God to change her heart from one of hatred to love and to change the heart of the murderer. She is respectful in her actions.
Robert Thurman brought up the concept of karma, the evolutionary action of life. Buddhist believe there are five heinous crimes or sins, but even they are not unforgiveable. Karma, being an evolutionary force, is the contant, second-by-second shaping a person soul.

I think about this stuff everyday. I'll have to read the whole publication.

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