Sunday, August 10, 2008

The 100 Goals

22 for right now, but it can be very much ongoing.

1. Learn Spanish
2. Learn Chinese
3. Learn Latin
4. Learn how to repair automobiles
5. Learn a computer language
6. Learn the Flute
7. Learn the Piano
8. Learn the Guitar
9. Learn how to Sing
1o. Learn how to convert units from memory
11. Learn how to draw
12. Learn how to cook
13. Learn proper handwriting
14. Watch all the classic movies
15. Learn how to hunt/use a weapon
16. Learn how to fish
17. Learn Calligraphy
18. Learn how to sew
19. Run my own website
20. Learn all classic rock songs
21. Train for a triathlon 
22. Take up Biologist's Hobbies

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