Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Self-Improvement for 072908

There are many things people profess to be at very opportunistic moments, such as charitable or knowledgeable. I'm sure that is the person they would like to be, but who they never become. That is why I want to take the time to think about who it is I want to be and do the things to become just that. 
I want to go to more museums. I went to one a few months ago and had a great experience. Maybe one every two to three weeks. That might be a bit much. Concerts too. 
I would like to become very knowledgeable about cars and bike, since I will be using both. 
I want to give to charities, but more importantly, volunteer at some. That is what most people profess a desire to do, but never do. 
I want to write more letters to important causes. 
I want to be finically literate

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